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10 reasons to start a business while working
Why juggling two jobs can enhance your new start up businesses chance of success

The last thing anyone wants to do when they get home after a hard day at work is to start again, so it's understandable that many prospective business owners think twice about starting a new business whilst holding down a full time job. The truth is there are many advantages to holding on to your current job whilst starting out for the first time. - here are the top 10 reasons:
  1. Reduced risk
    If you keep your existing job while building your business, you'll retain a guaranteed income - and reduce the risks associated with starting a business. As well as reduce the pressure both financially and emotionally.

  2. Extra time
    A day job also gives you extra time to set up your project. Rather than rushing your vision into the public domain, you can make sure you have clients lined up, suppliers and partners in place, and a top-notch website.

  3. Independence
    By keeping cash coming in from your existing job, you may not have to take loans or resort to an investor and give away part of your business. But if you do then at least you can minimise that.

  4. Commitment
    Anyone starting out in business will, at some point, question whether they have the desire to see their vision through. Well, once you've spent a few weeks or months balancing two jobs, you'll know for sure whether you're sufficiently committed. Most people's experience of starting their own business is working all hours. If you don't like the idea of starting a business while you're working, maybe it's not for you.

  5. Time management
    Good time management is crucial when combining your new venture with a full-time job and is the key to learning true time management skills. If you can balance the demands of the two businesses, you should be well-equipped to handle life as a new business owner. If you've only got a few hours a day, you make sure those hours count, and you're actually doing something productive.

  6. Companionship
    If you're setting up a business on your own, things can get very lonely if you're working by yourself all day. So having people around you can help you stay focused, and can even give you new ideas.

  7. Contacts
    In most cases, your employment contract will forbid you from poaching your existing company's clients and customers straightaway. However, you may be able to use the contacts later. Make sure that you use your existing work contacts effectively. Many people's first customers are the ones they worked with in their old job.

  8. New skills
    Rather than viewing your existing job as a distraction from your new venture, you can use your salaried role to hone skills which will help you in your new start-up business.

  9. Positive thinking
    It's important to be making a positive choice to start your own business. Because you have the safety net of the salaried job, you'll know you're starting the business through choice and not financial necessity.

  10. Creativity
    When you're balancing two jobs, you have to think outside the box to maximise time and money. This can only lead to creative solutions. It's time to work smarter, not harder.

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